Peanuts by Charles Schulz for September 19, 1975

  1. Riker lynch image riker lynch 36448164 300 300
    peanuts511  almost 11 years ago

    1. the sky’s blue because of blue light scattering2. grass is green because of chlorophyll3. roses are red cause of anthocyanins4. because it reflects beams of white light5. the sunlight doesn’t light the sky and the space is dark6. winters are longer cause the sun doesn’t face us for a longer time.As for your last question, i don’t think anybody could answer that.

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    LieutenantCommanderData  over 10 years ago

    *amendment to bullet 6 : Silver objects also reflect ALL (white) light, the reasons something appears white are refraction AND reflection.

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    AlanTompkins  about 4 years ago

    Nobody ever calls a creep ‘Sweet Baby.’

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    Best Commenter Ever  almost 4 years ago

    Look at panel 7

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