Peanuts by Charles Schulz for July 11, 1977

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    peanuts511  about 11 years ago

    i think it’s easier to say “typo”

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    LieutenantCommanderData  almost 11 years ago

    At that point every member of the opponents team beats Babe Ruth’s record.

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    jtyroler  over 8 years ago

    Wait, is that not your team Charlie Brown?

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    Me4832  almost 6 years ago

    I can picture it now: The bases are loaded, Charlie Brown’s steps up to home plate at the end of the final inning. The pressure is on, if he hits it he will be a hero, if not a he’s a goat. Just as the pitcher is winding up, a hungry beagle steps in the batting zone. Charlie Brown is forced to leave to get Snoopy his dinner.

    Lucy, tired from standing out in the sun and crabby about the long game, doesn’t want to wait for Charlie Brown. Lucy grabs her bat and steps up to home plate. The pressure is on, if anyone gets in her way Lucy will slug them. The pitcher winds up the pitch and sends a 90mph fast ball her way. BAM!!! She hits the ball clear across the sky. Meanwhile as Charlie Brown is handing Snoopy his dish, SPLAT, the baseball lands in his food.

    And that’s how the team earned 3 points that day.

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