Peanuts by Charles Schulz for May 21, 1978
Linus looks thougthfully into a store window. He stands in the field looking to his right; he exclaims,"Lucy, dear sister!"<BR><BR> He walks over to her holding an object in his hand. He says,"I almost bought you a birthday present just now." He smiles and says,"I saw this bottle of cologne in a store window, and it only cost a dollar..."<BR><BR> He continues,"I knew it would make you happy to get it, but then I saw something that I knew would make you even more happy!"<BR><BR> He continues,"In the window of the store next door, there was a salami sandwich which also cost a, I know how concerned you are for the peoples of this world..."<BR><BR> He says,"I know how happy it's going to make you when I become a famous doctor, and can help the people of the world." He continues,"But if I'm going to become a doctor, I'm going to have to get good grades in school..."<BR><BR> He continues,"And to get good grades, I'm going to have to study, and in order to study, I have to be healthy..."<BR><BR> He shows her the object in his hands and concludes,"In order to be healthy, I have to instead of the cologne, I bought the sandwich...all for your happiness!"<BR><BR> As he walks off eating the sandwich, Lucy looks at the reader and exclaims,"I'm so happy, I could cry!"<BR><BR>
Vivianne Lee almost 13 years ago
tdoug1 over 9 years ago
Now that’s a true brother. LOL
PatrickASL about 5 years ago
Linus, I can put up with your enticing innocent girls to sit with you in the pumpkin patch, thereby ruining their Halloween. And I understand having a domineering, bullying, loud-mouthed older sister like Lucy can be trying. But you are a first-class jerk in this strip.
Best Commenter Ever about 4 years ago
Daeder about 3 years ago
Isn’t this a rehash of a cartoon he did years before?
FrostbiteFalls about 1 year ago
Finally, Linus has revenge of sorts for his first time at summer camp (summer 1966) where Lucy was going to send Linus some cookies but ate them all herself.