Peanuts by Charles Schulz for April 08, 1979
Peppermint Patty stands smiling to her right; she says,"My history theme." "I've been waiting all week to get it back."<BR><BR> She holds a sheet of paper in her hand and looks off to her left; she says,"I wonder what she gave me...I'm afraid to look..."<BR><BR> She looks at the paper and her face falls. She exclaims,"D Minus?!" She angrily balls the paper up.<BR><BR> She kicks the paper and exclaims,"I worked like a dog, and all I got was a D minus!"<BR><BR> She kicks the paper again and continues,"It's not fair!" She kicks it some more and continues,"D Minus!"<BR><BR> She kicks the paper into a waste-basket. She exclaims,"It's not fair!" She looks at the paper in the waste-basket and concludes,"It's just not fair!"<BR><BR> She walks away glowering. The paper sits in the waste-basket and says,"Why take it out on me? I'm only a piece of paper."<BR><BR>
dsukenick about 11 years ago
That’s how I feel when life is unfair. This strip really cheers me up.
MrJamie1062 almost 11 years ago
It is TOO fair, Patty—if you really had no desire to get a bad grade, you should have worked even HARDER. So this strip is actually from the spring of 1979-at least I finally found it. I have the Peanuts book,“Here comes the April Fool,” which contains most of the strips from 1979, and a few from early 1980, and this one is in the latter part of the book, in with the ones from the fall of 1979, so I thought it would have been published then; then, when I didn’t find it in either Sep, Oct, or Nov, of 1979, I figured it may have been from the spring, and I was right.
MrJamie1062 almost 11 years ago
Cute, how Schulz would depict objects, including clothes or even parts of the body, as human, by having them “talk”, as he does here, with Patty’s crumpled up theme. And that is SO TRUE, what the piece of paper "says"in closing panel: “So what’s the point in taking it out on ME? I’m only a piece of paper; it’s not MY FAULT you got a D minus, Patricia!”