Peanuts by Charles Schulz for December 02, 1979
Linus hides behind the fence. Lucy walks along in the snow.<BR><BR> She is hit in the head with a snowball. Linus runs out from behind the fence exclaiming,"I did it! I did it! I confess! I did it!"<BR><BR> He grimaces and rolls his eyes skyward saying,"Oh, I feel so guilty! I don't know what came over me! I feel so guilty!"<BR><BR> She puts her hand up and exclaims,"Hold on! You can't get away with that!"<BR><BR> She shouts,"ALL RIGHT, WHO THREW THAT SNOWBALL? COME OUT, WHEREVER YOU ARE!"<BR><BR> She says,"Now, you were saying..." Linus replies,"Well, I...I...I...I did it, I guess, and...'<BR><BR> She slaps him with a WHOP and he falls over.<BR><BR> As he lies dazed in the snow, she walks off concluding,"Everything in it's proper order."<BR><BR>
ah-hee over 3 years ago
Linus, your first mistake was giving in to guilt. With Lucy there is no good thing that comes from any action and so perhaps you should just bite the bullet and remember that to whom comes into contact with your crabby sister——-including yourself——Do-er Beware!