Peanuts by Charles Schulz for May 31, 1981
Lucy and Charlie Brown are walking along in the baseball field in their baseball gear. He says, "I don't like the looks of those clouds..." She says, "They look kind of pretty to me...."<BR><BR> The rain starts to fall. He grimaces and asks, "Rats! How can we play baseball today if it's going to rain?" She replies, "The world needs rain."<BR><BR> Charlie Brown says, "The world need baseball games, too..." She replies, "No, it doesn't." He exclaims, "It does, too!" She shouts, "The world needs rain!"<BR><BR> He says, "The world may need rain, but it also needs baseball games." She replies, "No, it doesn' only needs rain..."<BR><BR> He spreads his hands and says, "I admit the world sometimes needs rain, but sometimes the world needs baseball, too!" She looks to her left and replies, "You're wrong...the world always needs rain..."<BR><BR> She concludes, "But the world definitely does not need baseball games." He points to her glove and asks, "Then why are you carrying that baseball glove?"<BR><BR> She looks down at the mitt on her hand.<BR><BR> He rolls his eyes as she places the glove on her head and replies, "In case it rains!"<BR><BR>
ootey over 7 years ago
That was a good one Schulz.