Peanuts by Charles Schulz for September 25, 1983
A glum Charlie Brown lies in bed. He sits outside of Lucy's psychiatric booth looking very sad. Lucy leans back in her chair and exclaims,"Worrying is simply a waste of time!"<BR><BR> She leans on her elbows and says,"You can't worry about the future, Charlie Brown....."<BR><BR> He looks at her as she continues,"You can't worry about next year, or next month, or next week, or even tomorrow, for that matter."<BR><BR> She continues,"And you certainly shouldn't worry about the past...what's done is done...."<BR><BR> She continues,"If you have to worry, you should worry about this very moment..."<BR><BR> He asks,"This moment? Why this moment?" He falls over as a ball knocks him over.<BR><BR> She looks down at him lying dazed on the ground with the ball next to him. She says,"I saw this ball heading this way, see, and....."<BR><BR>
RoofDog about 12 years ago
5c, then 35c, then 50c, now back to 5c. Her pricing makes no sense.
Daeder over 2 years ago
Zen Peanuts.
Avatar??? about 2 years ago
Soccer ball coming his way