Everybody gets hurt. Sometimes a big hurt, sometimes a little hurt. What’s important is being able to grow-up and get over it. Don’t let your Yesterdays and Tomorrows waste Today.
Much, MUCH cheaper than going to a lawyer who claims your story is worth compensation money. Think about it. If you were on a jury, would you award money for hurt feelings? You have to prove actual suffering which is not so easy.
STEPUP about 3 years ago
Oh please, someone open a window!!!!
ncorgbl about 3 years ago
gopher gofer about 3 years ago
i’m weeping in pain…
Sailor46 USN 65-95 about 3 years ago
mistercatworks about 3 years ago
Much, MUCH cheaper than going to a lawyer who claims your story is worth compensation money. Think about it. If you were on a jury, would you award money for hurt feelings? You have to prove actual suffering which is not so easy.