Peanuts by Charles Schulz for May 04, 1986
Lucy stands on the baseball field chewing bubble-gum.<BR><BR> She blows a bubble and it starts growing growing, until it lifts her off the ground.<BR><BR> Charlie Brown, standing on the pitcher's mound, watches as she floats by on her back with the bubble still protruding from her mouth.<BR><BR> He watches as she floats around him.<BR><BR> He watches as she floats off.<BR><BR> She floats over the fence and falls behind it with a klunk as the bubble pops.<BR><BR> She lies on the ground behind the fence, peeking out. She is wearing a frown and is in a dazed, pained state.<BR><BR> He stares at the reader from the pitcher's mound. He concludes,"I have a strange team..."<BR><BR>
LucyPeltisdimwitted over 9 years ago
Another reason to fly…
ootey almost 7 years ago
Could we talk to the guy who said Snoopy could not be supported by a small hot air balloon?
weatherford.joe almost 7 years ago
How does she do that?
zodal about 2 years ago
She’s full of hot air
Avatar??? almost 2 years ago
Strange team? Where is the rest of the team doing strange things?