Peanuts by Charles Schulz for February 01, 1987
Charlie Brown sits on a chair outside Lucy psychiatric booth. She says,"You look distressed" He replies, "I'm always distressed"<BR><BR> He continues, "I think maybe I worry too much"<BR><BR> He continues, "I think maybe I worry too much"<BR><BR> She blows a bubble with her chewing-gum as he says, "I suppose we all have anxieties, but I...well..."<BR><BR> He says, "Maybe I worry that..." He stops and looks at Lucy questioningly as he starts to float up in the air.<BR><BR> He continues, "Maybe I..." He watches as with a chewing-gum bubble protruding from her mouth, Lucy floats out of the booth.<BR><BR> He tries to continue talking as she floats around him. He says, "...I ...I..."<BR><BR> He looks at the reader as Lucy floats back into the booth.<BR><BR> He jumps as the bubble bursts and she falls to the ground with a klunk.<BR><BR> She staggers to the top fo the booth and says, "Just relax and don't think so much, Charlie Brown...five cents, please! Oh, and here's some bubble gum we're giving away today...."<BR><BR>
Daeder over 2 years ago
It’s like Lucy is off in left field.
jasonbres over 2 years ago
This was adapted for the TV documentary “Here’s to You, Charlie Brown: 50 Great Years”, although the punchline was changed to Charlie Brown asking himself, “Did anyone ever tell NASA about this?”