Gee, I didn’t know this strip had returned. I never took it down when he posted the last strip, some years ago, and now I happened to click on it in the banner, and what a surprise. I hope GoComics gives it some play.
Sure wish we could see strips like Little Nemo in their original “broadsheet” format!Newspapers were HUGE around 1900!Nemo “Popped”!
Winsor McCay
VICTOR PROULX almost 5 years ago
Gee, I didn’t know this strip had returned. I never took it down when he posted the last strip, some years ago, and now I happened to click on it in the banner, and what a surprise. I hope GoComics gives it some play.
cass_71 almost 5 years ago
Sure wish we could see strips like Little Nemo in their original “broadsheet” format!Newspapers were HUGE around 1900!Nemo “Popped”!