The Knight Life by Keith Knight for September 11, 2020
Clovis: "cannibal Meta Torture" Original unrated version from Japan. the most disturbing film Ive ever seen. Clovis: way worse than the america version don't watch t without a barf bag!! KK: whats in it? squished eyeball? severed armpits? Clovis: Cats on leashes.
sergioandrade Premium Member over 4 years ago
The Horror! THE HORROR!!!!
mattro65 over 4 years ago
My boys will testify that I know how to poke an armpit (I tell them that poking exposed armpits is required by law) but I’ve yet to figure out how to sever an armpit.
Miss Buttinsky Premium Member over 4 years ago
Hey! My cat might read the last square and refuse to wear his harness anymore.