The Knight Life by Keith Knight for May 23, 2023

  1. Gt r at vmi jdp
    salakfarm Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Cat people are harboring serial killers.

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    WestNYC Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Top Cat ! Good to see the likes of ya . .

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  3. Catinnabag2 50pct
    MĂ iri  almost 2 years ago

    It’s well-known (see that few cats are both fast and skilled enough to catch and kill healthy adult songbirds.

    Those they do catch are the nestlings not in nests (who won’t live to maturity even if there are no cats around), the sick, the injured, and the old.

    It’s also well-known that humans are the principal agents of songbird decline via habitat loss and an increase in predators, some of which, e.g. raptors, are now privileged.

    It used to be that people who love songbirds would shoot and kill a raptor (or other predator, such as a weasel) found “harvesting” a songbird colony. But now there are many fewer guns, and laws that protect raptors and other predators.

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    face.less_b  almost 2 years ago

    Yet another example of the lamestream media warping peoples minds. Wake up sheeple!

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  5. Catinnabag2 50pct
    MĂ iri  almost 2 years ago

    “Feral” cats are those that formerly had a home with a human caregiver, but lost it due to no fault of their own.

    The most common cause of a cat being forced into the street to live or die is abandonment. The human moves away and leaves the cat behind, typically with no more thought than “it’ll be alright” even though the cat generally dies quite soon from accident, sickness, or injury. An abandoned cat’s best hope is to find another human to live with; its second-best is to find a feral colony and be allowed (by the other cats) to join it.

    For a small, ongoing feline soap opera in a town in southwestern Turkey, check out the youtube channel “walter santi”, which is formed from the name of the family dog and the first of now-three indoor cats. The channel operator hasn’t revealed his own name, but it almost certainly is not “walter santi”. He is Turkish, lives with his parents (or they live with him, it’s not clear), and writes in all-but-flawless colloquial American English (a little British spelling creeps in here and there).

    The soap opera revolves around a changing number of mostly-now-formerly-feral cats who have made their way to the family gardens, found food, shelter, friendship, idiosyncratic names, and medical care there, and decided to stay, un-feralising themselves in the process.

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    Darsan54 Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    I don’t see a shortage of birds.

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    Goldman Allan Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    That’s Tony Millionaire’s Drinky Crow in the bottom left – Haven’t thought of him in decades!

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    Benkoerita  almost 2 years ago

    Actually, the point of the pics IS humans killing birds. Text and artwork together carries a message about our hypocrisy.

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