The Knight Life by Keith Knight for April 02, 2024

  1. Img 20230511 134023590 portrait 5
    markkahler52  11 months ago

    You get straight A’s and attend the college of your choice….not so much…

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  2. Unclescrooge
    LeslieBark  11 months ago

    The girl-thugs who’ve harassed you all year and who are trailing you home, say, just as you are passing the yard of the big scary dog that you’ve befriended, “Let’s rush her and take her purse”, in your hearing so that you are warned. As they run up behind you, you swing your 10 lb purse (back in the day, high-school girls carried everything in their purses) and whack one girl-thug in the head, while the big scary dog is trying to protect you by barking and lunging at the flimsy fence like he wants to rip off their faces. They run away and never bother you again!!! Even after 65 years I cherish that little victory!

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  3. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  11 months ago

    Hey, don’t use up all your luck the first day.

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