Gunther: Dude!! Are you serious about mans demise if bees die out?
KK: Dead serious!!
KK: Nearly one third of the worlds crops are dependent on honeybees for pollination!! NO bees = no crops!
Gunther: really?
Good thing I only eat meat and candy!!
silberdistel about 17 hours ago
Not only honrybees. Nature depends more on all kinds of animals for pollination. In this case on sorts of wild bees and the like. Bumble bees are far better than honeybees as pollinators. So I read and saw in various documentaries.
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member about 14 hours ago
We could always build robot bees to replace them. I’m sure whoever did that wouldn’t be hated in the nation.
gawaintheknight about 10 hours ago
I never expected Keith would start doing bee level work
Milady Meg about 9 hours ago
Jerk. Who does he thing pollinates the plants that candy eats?