Peanuts by Charles Schulz for July 09, 1989
Charlie Brown, on the seesaw, says, "It's her!"<BR><BR> Linus, on the other end, asks, "Her, who?"<BR><BR> Bird's eye vierw of the two, who look off. Charlie Brown exclaims, "Look, it's the little red-haired girl!"<BR><BR> The two, in profile, look. Charlie Brown says, "Do me a favor..go over and talk to her..say you know me...try to find out if she likes me.."<BR><BR> Charlie Brown stands beside a garbage can as Linus walks. He says, "I'll hide here behind this trash can and listen..."<BR><BR> Charlie Brown stands leaning against the trash can, smiling. We hear Linus say: "Hi, name is Linus..I believe we have a friend in common.."<BR><BR> Charlie Brown listens: "His name is Charlie Brown..he sits across the room from you in, by the windows..near the pencil, in the last row..."<BR><BR> He listens as Linus continues: "Well, kind of blond, I, you're thinking of, not as tall.."<BR><BR> Charlie Brown slumps down and puts his head against the trash can as Linus says: "A shirt with sort of a jagged, not John..John is a lot bigger.."<BR><BR> "Sort of a round face..doesn't ring a bell, huh? No, in town..just doesn't ring a bell, huh? Nothing, huh?" Charlie Brown lies flat on his back next to the trash can. He says, "I can't stand it!"<BR><BR>
NiceGuy21 over 9 years ago
It’s your own fault for not being able to talk to her, Charlie.
Zoomydid over 9 years ago
See, he’s not bald, he’s “kind of blond, I guess”!
ootey about 7 years ago
Now he knows, at least…
Best Commenter Ever over 4 years ago
Don’t worry Charlie, you finally win in 2015!
FrostbiteFalls 12 months ago
You’d think she’d at least know the names of the other students in her class, like when the teacher calls roll.