Ooooh, I get it…
Right off the bat, too.
If they’re out of that, they could simply recommend a huge “Poo Emoji” costume.
It would be just as descriptive.
And maybe a jellyfish costume for the Republicans.
Ooh, a very specific clown costume.
June 05, 2015
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 2 years ago
Ooooh, I get it…
rekam over 2 years ago
Right off the bat, too.
TimBenzidrene over 2 years ago
If they’re out of that, they could simply recommend a huge “Poo Emoji” costume.
It would be just as descriptive.
And maybe a jellyfish costume for the Republicans.
Terr Bear Premium Member over 2 years ago
Ooh, a very specific clown costume.