Peanuts by Charles Schulz for January 04, 1998
Snoopy has his food dish on top of his head as he walks up a snowy hill.<BR><BR> Snoopy sits in his food dish on top of the hill. He looks down the slope.<BR><BR> Snoopy uses his dish as a sled as he slides down the slope.<BR><BR> Snoopy is still sledding along.<BR><BR> Snoopy is still sliding on the snow.<BR><BR> Charlie opens the door right as Snoopy slides though and inside the house. Charlie yells, "Look out!"<BR><BR> Charlie watches as Snoopy is flies through the house. He says, "Good grief!"<BR><BR> Charlie runs into the house where Snoopy has hit everything and caused a big mess. Snoopy sits int he mess, his food dish in his head. He thinks toward Charlie, "You shouldn't have yelled. You made me nervous."<BR><BR>
The Pastato Slayer over 8 years ago
The first ever full color peanuts strip
jaydandrews almost 5 years ago
I thought this one was already done before.
Daeder over 1 year ago