Jazzy, growing up kinda out in the country, Mom sometimes would not see us during the summer months from after breakfast (which was sufficient to do us for the whole day) until evening meal time. Ah, those were the days! Fond memories. Built forts up in the woods, went skinny dipping, BB gun fights with neighbor kids down the road, building mud and rock dams across the little branch, catching crawdads, climbing trees, falling out of trees, etc. etc. It is a wonder we made it to adulthood!!
Fondest memory of all is sitting on the porch each evening watching the fireflies, listening to the hoot owls, and having a nice family visit before going in and washing our bare feet before going to bed.
pouncingtiger almost 14 years ago
Ah, adolescence.
GROG Premium Member almost 14 years ago
“Out” is all you need to know, Cosmo.
Yukoner almost 14 years ago
Yes, those were the good old days. I’m glad they’re over. Now it’s my kids turn to deal with it.
Elaine Rosco Premium Member almost 14 years ago
So much easier for parents today because of the cell phones…when mine were growing up who knew where they were!
pamlicorat almost 14 years ago
That is assuming your kids answer the phone when you call.
abesnake almost 14 years ago
Radish the Kibitzer Get a copy of “Where did you go? Out. What did you do? Nothing”. A great book by Robert Paul Smith about childhood.
gofinsc almost 14 years ago
He’s searching for himself.
dahawk almost 14 years ago
Jazzy, growing up kinda out in the country, Mom sometimes would not see us during the summer months from after breakfast (which was sufficient to do us for the whole day) until evening meal time. Ah, those were the days! Fond memories. Built forts up in the woods, went skinny dipping, BB gun fights with neighbor kids down the road, building mud and rock dams across the little branch, catching crawdads, climbing trees, falling out of trees, etc. etc. It is a wonder we made it to adulthood!!
Fondest memory of all is sitting on the porch each evening watching the fireflies, listening to the hoot owls, and having a nice family visit before going in and washing our bare feet before going to bed.
ilsapadu almost 14 years ago
COWBOY7 almost 14 years ago
It gets better yet!
coucoubird almost 14 years ago
Chris Cassatt and Gary Brookins – you guys are BRILLIANT!!