Widdershins by Kate Ashwin for January 24, 2020

  1. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Sid is acting really out of it. Must be really worried about Harry.

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    Thorby  about 5 years ago

    Sid’s actually focusing!

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    scyphi26  about 5 years ago

    Hey, well played, Sid. As stressed as he is, he’s clearly learned a few tricks. He’s learned how to best use the dog at least, and seems to have the start of a plan for the situation with Mal. I wouldn’t say he’s got a handle on things entirely per se, but he’s definitely not helpless.

    Ben and Gren having to work together despite their clear dislike for each other, though…that’ll be fun to see play out.

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    christineracine77  about 5 years ago

    Oh, things are going to get very interesting indeed!

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    willrowe  about 5 years ago

    …and the edge of my seat is starting to get worn out…

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  6. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  about 5 years ago

    You want to solve an argument…? Sic the dog on them. Works every time.

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    Eric Daniel  about 5 years ago

    It does appear that neither Gren nor Ben appear to be entirely in favor of the situation as it has unfolded.

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  8. Caligo uranus d
    Taracinablue  about 5 years ago

    Lol! For a second there, I thought Ben & Wolfe were “barking” at each other… turns out it was just Gren, sensing the mood of the room. Love her distrustful little “whf” once calmed down by Sid, too. I’ve heard my sister’s polite collie make that noise: “I’m not going to bark because my master told me not to, but I’m not happy about this”

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