Peanuts by Charles Schulz for January 26, 1992
Sally follows Linus as he pushes a box up a snowhill.<BR><BR> At the top of the hill, they sit inside the box. Sally asks, "Now what?"<BR><BR> Sally comments, "Kind of a steep hill, isn't it?"<BR><BR> Linus says, "Don't worry about it.. Just lean forward and jiggle your feet.."<BR><BR> Sally starts to get out of the box and says, "I think I've changed my mind..."<BR><BR> As she gets out on the higher part of the hill, Linus falls down and out of the box on the sloping side of the hill.<BR><BR> Sally looks over, and Linus lies on the snow.<BR><BR> Sally comments, "If I had only known you were only going that far, I would have stayed in.."<BR><BR>
MrJamie1062 almost 12 years ago
Amazing how Linus never got sick,apparently, from all the times in winter, when he would lose his hat, due to a “foiled” or “bungled” recreation,like here, or on 12/29/1972, when Lucy crashed into him,trampled him,made him lose his hat,and cocooned him in the snow,for her snowman(they were apparently each unaware at that moment, that the other was building a snowman, also.) How on EARTH did he ever get back into an upright postion,here, being “stuck on the hillside alive?” Makes you wonder.
MrJamie1062 almost 12 years ago
And in the aforementioned cartoon, from 12/29/1972, Linus claimed, at the end, that “he never heard Lucy honk,” which would have accounted for his "foiled"or "bungled"snowman recreation, that day(she crashed into him and ran him over, made him lose his hat, and thus,he also got cocooned in the snow, that she had piled up for her snowman.) “She may have honked,but that doesn’t make sense! I NEVER HEARD HER!!!” are his last words, at the end of that cartoon. Poor Linus.
jasonbres over 2 years ago
This was adapted into the TV special “It’s Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown”.