Peanuts by Charles Schulz for July 19, 1992
Charlie Brown stands on the pitcher's mound and winds up. Lucy shouts, "Hey manager!"<BR><BR> Lucy wears a sack over her head and walks up to the pitcher's mound. Charlie Brown asks, "What's this?"<BR><BR> Lucy takes the sack off her head and says, "It's my new strategy, manager . . ."<BR><BR> Lucy puts the sack back over her head and says, "If the other team doesn't know who we are, they won't know how to play against us . ."<BR><BR> Lucy walks away and says, "They won't have any idea who they're playing."<BR><BR> Lucy stands in the outfield with the sack over her head.<BR><BR> Lucy is hit on the head with the ball.<BR><BR> Schroeder and Charlie Brown stand on the pitcher's mound. Schroeder says, "Baseball has changed a lot since Ty Cobb, hasn't it, Charlie Brown?"<BR><BR> Charlie Brown replies, "Baseball has changed a lot since this morning!"<BR><BR>
HeatherMcCrillis over 5 years ago
So if Charles Schultz would have stayed in his home town, this team would have been the Saint Paul Sacks.
kcj about 2 years ago
Erstwhile Mr. Sack meets Ms. Sack.