This is a comic strip! It’s not real! Occasionally, I find myself just HAVING to tell someone that. Now, that said, why does it P-I-S-S me off so badly when Bucky takes Satchel’s money? Or hits him? It’s not real, but it angers me! Now, I think I need some time to sit quietly in a corner!!!
catmom1360 about 5 years ago
Oh, Bucky you are so bad.
Leojim about 5 years ago
Nothing like a little social engineering to take advantage of the weak minded.
Johnny Q Premium Member about 5 years ago
That explains all those photo-ops with Trump holding a pie…
kaladorn about 5 years ago
I think he learned this move from every politician ever…
Breadboard about 5 years ago
Satchel back up real fast ! Better yet shove that pie in Buck’s face ;-)
mjb515 about 5 years ago
Bucky is practicing social security.
mrcooncat about 5 years ago
“There’s a sucker born every minute.” (attributed to P.T. Barnum)
cubswin2016 about 5 years ago
Satchel can be such a pigeon.
Lou about 5 years ago
Maybe instead of sending drones to Iran, we should have sent pie.
JamesDevore about 5 years ago
No, the house wanted the witnesses but the DumpHouse wouldn’t allow them to appear.
Al Nala about 5 years ago
Diat60 about 5 years ago
Bucky just learned that Satch is as easily bought with a cheap biscuit as an expensive pie.
Numbnumb about 5 years ago
What an evil little cat!!
Elder Lee Fox about 5 years ago
Must be a Lab
robert423elliott over 1 year ago
This is a comic strip! It’s not real! Occasionally, I find myself just HAVING to tell someone that. Now, that said, why does it P-I-S-S me off so badly when Bucky takes Satchel’s money? Or hits him? It’s not real, but it angers me! Now, I think I need some time to sit quietly in a corner!!!