Peanuts by Charles Schulz for October 03, 1993
Lucy kneels in the grass holding a football and says, "Over here."<BR><BR> Lucy holds the football to be punted and says to Chalrie Brown, who looks on, "This is a brand new ball, Charlie Brown! I'll hold it, and you come running up and kick it!"<BR><BR> Charlie Brown walks back to get a running start. He says, "A brand new ball! Wow!"<BR><BR> Charlie Brown runs to kick the football. "This is a real treat!"<BR><BR> Lucy yanks the ball away at the last moment and Charlie Brown goes flying and yells, "AAUGH!"<BR><BR> Lucy looks at Charlie Brown landing on his back with a WUMP.<BR><BR> Lucy says to Charlie Brown, who is lying on the ground with stars spinning around his head, "It suddenly occured to me that if I let you kick it, it wouldn't be new anymore."<BR><BR>
LucyPeltisdimwitted over 9 years ago
You got that right, Lucy. You can hit Charlie Brown with it.
NiceGuy21 over 9 years ago
You could’ve told Charlie before he could kick it, Lucy.
ootey about 7 years ago
Must not get a lot of wear and tear on that ball.
Daeder almost 2 years ago
Charlie Brown kicking the ball would have significantly depreciated it.