If the pinky finger is responsible for 50% of the hand strength, why my insurer only give peanut if I lost that finger in an accident vsvthe others? Why the British raise their tea cup without that finger and why I can raise heavy load without it?
The muscles that control the fingers are predominantly in the forearm. I’m not sure just what are they measuring to come up with a quantitative value for each finger. Strength flexing, extending, abducting? The hand and fingers are mostly a system of tendons, like cables and pulleys.
Templo S.U.D. about 5 years ago
If the pinky is 50%, does the thumb or index finger have the next highest percent?
HarryCK about 5 years ago
Heeeeeere’s Dougy !
fuzzbucket Premium Member about 5 years ago
Great job, Doug.
Me_ about 5 years ago
If the pinky finger is responsible for 50% of the hand strength, why my insurer only give peanut if I lost that finger in an accident vsvthe others? Why the British raise their tea cup without that finger and why I can raise heavy load without it?
Su770n about 5 years ago
Doug Lindsay – https://edition.cnn.com/2019/07/27/health/doug-lindsay-invented-surgery-trnd/index.html
The Pro from Dover about 5 years ago
And that surgery was?
TScan about 5 years ago
Virtually certain that this is a repost of an earlier BION. Anybody else think so?
WCraft Premium Member about 5 years ago
Well, duh! Of course the little finger is so strong – from all that pinky swearing!
paranormal about 5 years ago
Doug had psychosomatic’s disease…
Malcome1 about 5 years ago
The muscles that control the fingers are predominantly in the forearm. I’m not sure just what are they measuring to come up with a quantitative value for each finger. Strength flexing, extending, abducting? The hand and fingers are mostly a system of tendons, like cables and pulleys.
David Peters about 5 years ago
An “or not” story. I think he had lazyitus and his operation was getting his arse out of bed.
craigwestlake about 5 years ago
I should think it’s the middle finger since that gets the most use…
Phil721 about 5 years ago
cnn health has a great write up about doug linsay