Family Tree by Signe Wilkinson for January 28, 2021

  1. Missing large
    wldhrsy2luv  about 4 years ago

    Just a lucky guess.

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  2. Unclescrooge
    LeslieBark  about 4 years ago

    She has a lot to be happy about—Obama took a catastrophic economy and turned it around into something so robust that it took Trump 4 years to mess it up again. He got millions of Americans health insurance who didn’t have any, and restored it to millions of others who had been cancelled due to “pre-existing conditions” (like being alive). He took steps to protect the environment that belongs to all of us (not just to the coal, gas, and timber industries), and took the first baby steps to counter the climate change that has the potential of making the planet uninhabitable for our grandchildren. Sadly, in 8 years after this strip originally came out, she’ll have her heart broken.

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  3. Hobo
    MeGoNow Premium Member about 4 years ago

    A lot of stuff is oddly connected. Maybe that’s the bus Trump will throw all those former friends under.

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  4. 100 2451
    RonBerg13 Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Hey! Obama and Trump are gone.

    You better start paying attention to the new administration under Biden.

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