Peanuts by Charles Schulz for December 17, 1995
Snoopy wears a Santa Claus costume and stands on the sidewalk ringing a bell.<BR><BR> Lucy hears the bell ringing.<BR><BR> Lucy asks, "If you're a real Santa Claus, where are your reindeer?"<BR><BR> Lucy asks, "How are you gonna land on all of those rooftops and go down all those chimneys?"<BR><BR> Lucy continues, "And after you go down a chimney, how are you gonna get back up?"<BR><BR> Lucy continues, "And even if you do, what makes you think your reindeer will be waiting for you?"<BR><BR> Lucy continues, "I'll give you about three houses, and you'll be completely exhausted . ."<BR><BR> Snoopy stuffs the bell onto Lucy's face. Charlie Brown tells Snoopy, "I thought you were probably down here, but then I didn't hear your bell anymore . ."<BR><BR>
tdoug1 over 9 years ago
Saved by the bell!