I met my doppelgänger shortly after moving into the dorm my first year of college. We even had the same haircut! We really did look a lot alike! In fact, there was a greater resemblance between us than there was between me and my siblings! People were always confusing us! It was kind of fun!
I often wonder where she is and what she looks like now!
I bear a strong resemblance to one of my aunts. Another of my aunts would send pictures of me to her. When my look-alike aunt died, a co-worker asked me what my picture was doing in the obituary.
Orcatime about 5 years ago
I’m pretty sure this isn’t set in Fantasyland! lol
Enter.Name.Here about 5 years ago
Daddy have a name-change? Daddy in witness protection proggy at some time? Where is this going?
sueb1863 about 5 years ago
I don’t remember what happened to Delray’s father. Has he been in the strip before?
jpayne4040 about 5 years ago
What you are suggesting is certainly crazy, Frank!
jagedlo about 5 years ago
Like Delray’s look in the final panel!
reedkomicks Premium Member about 5 years ago
Idris Elba is the name of the handsome actor who played Stringer Bell in the excellent old show “The Wire”.
Ellis97 about 5 years ago
Some people mistake me for Smokey Robinson. That person usually is my mother.
Sassy's Mom about 5 years ago
I met my doppelgänger shortly after moving into the dorm my first year of college. We even had the same haircut! We really did look a lot alike! In fact, there was a greater resemblance between us than there was between me and my siblings! People were always confusing us! It was kind of fun!
I often wonder where she is and what she looks like now!
Robert Braddock Premium Member about 5 years ago
Daddy is going to be the next 007.
rozthebabysitter about 5 years ago
But Frank knows him a “Tom Lazarus”…has he really known him since high school?
Dragoncat about 5 years ago
I bear a strong resemblance to one of my aunts. Another of my aunts would send pictures of me to her. When my look-alike aunt died, a co-worker asked me what my picture was doing in the obituary.