On the hunt for the wily canned tuna!
Guys this is a case of the kettle / pot … for you could say the same thing about dogs ;-)
Is that cat dragging it self across the floor? Must sense it’s $ Store cat food!
It’s that little squeak when I first start to pull out the drawer that the can opener is in.
July 26, 2014
DennisinSeattle about 5 years ago
On the hunt for the wily canned tuna!
Breadboard about 5 years ago
Guys this is a case of the kettle / pot … for you could say the same thing about dogs ;-)
dwane.scoty1 about 5 years ago
Is that cat dragging it self across the floor? Must sense it’s $ Store cat food!
DaBoogadie about 5 years ago
It’s that little squeak when I first start to pull out the drawer that the can opener is in.