Working Daze by John Zakour and Scott Roberts for January 16, 2020

  1. Coyote
    eromlig  about 5 years ago

    Machines DO hate us. If they ever develop opposable thumbs, we’ve had it.

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    rekam  about 5 years ago

    Sometimes when our computers act up, we think they really have it in for us.

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    destry1970  about 5 years ago

    Most comp. Are smarter then we are so why try and fool are self that they don’t hate us, just look at spell check and see what they make us look like fools!

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    Sassy's Mom  about 5 years ago

    I certainly believe there are certain computers who don’t like me. It’s clearly personal!

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    NWdryad  about 5 years ago

    Wait a minute, it’s only the keyboard that would feel her hands and it looks like a wireless keyboard.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  about 5 years ago

    “There is something about machines”. In the written form, after the fellow dies the lawnmower would constantly veer off and hit his tombstone when the yard is cut at the cemetery.

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