Rerun and Snoopy sit in the middle of a huge cloud of cards and marbles that they have thrown. Caption: "Rerun and Snoopy attempt to revive the ancient roman game of cards and marbles.."<BR><BR>
One of very few Peanuts comics with narration instead of speech or thought balloons. The only other one I can remember is the final non-Sunday comic, 2000/01/01.
jtyroler about 8 years ago
The marbles could really hurt when they come down.
AlanTompkins over 4 years ago
How come I don’t remember that game from Latin Class?
kcj almost 3 years ago
One of very few Peanuts comics with narration instead of speech or thought balloons. The only other one I can remember is the final non-Sunday comic, 2000/01/01.
Daeder over 1 year ago
I think they’ve lost their cards!