The best thing Charlie Brown could do for that arrogant team is resign as manager. With any luck Linus and Schroeder, the only two who care for him at all, would walk out with him. Then they can have Lucy as Dictator-For-Life and see how that works for them.
comicgos almost 14 years ago
Stand by to stand by Charlie!
pouncingtiger almost 14 years ago
An example of negative teamwork. Teamwork is supposed to build confidence not destroy it.
mac47 almost 14 years ago
Poor Charlie Brown.
GROG Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Just manage the team, CB. That they can handle.
angelfiredragon almost 14 years ago
Ironically, this is exactly why I got out of sports in Junior high and have hated them ever since. I sympathize with you charlie brown.
gofinsc almost 14 years ago
Peril of player-managers: they never know when to take themselves out.
GROG Premium Member almost 14 years ago
And they put themselves into games when they shouldn’t
rgcviper almost 14 years ago
Poor Charlie Brown. I feel for the guy.
And, very good point, G.F.N. Vet! Me, too …
Rakkav almost 14 years ago
The best thing Charlie Brown could do for that arrogant team is resign as manager. With any luck Linus and Schroeder, the only two who care for him at all, would walk out with him. Then they can have Lucy as Dictator-For-Life and see how that works for them.
CalvinKidd almost 14 years ago
You can bat for me Charlie Brown
SonicWind almost 14 years ago
No respect. No respect at all.
abatheguy almost 14 years ago
Thanks a lot, Lucy. :P