The resolution looks worse today than usual. Even small, the image is extremely pixelated. Beyond the artistic value and respect that should be shown, is this an effective way to market and sell your product? Do we have a timetable for an improvement of the reproduction of this and all the strips at gocomics?
GROG Premium Member almost 14 years ago
I knew there was a good reaon for it.
pouncingtiger almost 14 years ago
Mrs. Van Pelt knew that LInus wasn’t sick and sent him off to school. A typical mother.
Schusm almost 14 years ago
Mrs. Van Pelt???
LittleSister18 almost 14 years ago
Need to come up with a new trick and make it convincing if you want to stay home from school.
Rakkav almost 14 years ago
I think the idea is that his mother is more like Lucy than like him. That must make things interesting for his father.
mac47 almost 14 years ago
Never waste a good lunch, Linus.
Paying Too Much Attention Premium Member almost 14 years ago
The resolution looks worse today than usual. Even small, the image is extremely pixelated. Beyond the artistic value and respect that should be shown, is this an effective way to market and sell your product? Do we have a timetable for an improvement of the reproduction of this and all the strips at gocomics?
doglover984 almost 14 years ago
i grew up with lucy and linius and all the gang i think they are great
Iwa Iniki almost 14 years ago
Hmmm! Linus could have eaten his lunch at home, right?