Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap Their enthusiasm is infectious! Woof Woof Woof Woof Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip
It;s like something out of Horton Hears a Who
Reminds me of my mornings in my drinking days.
Oh my poor head Fred!!!
How cute is that!!
Surround yourself with enthusiastic, happy, active people and you will find it pulls you in to their frame of mind.
If you want to be happy and enthusiastic seek out people who are.
If you want to be inactive, morose, and depressed, seek out people who are and you will find it rubs off on you.
We have little control of what happens to us in our lives for a very large part, but how we react to what happens is largely in our control.
You go Fred! Be happy.
What a sport!
If you can’t beat them, join them!
Yip, yip, yap, yap, woof, woof~! Such intriguing dialog!
GROG Premium Member about 14 years ago
It;s like something out of Horton Hears a Who
lewisbower about 14 years ago
Reminds me of my mornings in my drinking days.
persil about 14 years ago
Oh my poor head Fred!!!
Elaine Rosco Premium Member about 14 years ago
How cute is that!!
Francine Long about 14 years ago
Surround yourself with enthusiastic, happy, active people and you will find it pulls you in to their frame of mind.
If you want to be happy and enthusiastic seek out people who are.
If you want to be inactive, morose, and depressed, seek out people who are and you will find it rubs off on you.
We have little control of what happens to us in our lives for a very large part, but how we react to what happens is largely in our control.
You go Fred! Be happy.
bubbabassett about 14 years ago
What a sport!
COWBOY7 about 14 years ago
If you can’t beat them, join them!
robert423elliott about 1 year ago
Yip, yip, yap, yap, woof, woof~! Such intriguing dialog!