Rip’s Foxy New Friend is a little short on bravery.
And not every shot hits the target.
Nice try, Foxy (is that her name? We haven’t been shown her name yet), but you can’t dissuade Rip that easily!
TNT would love her.
They tend to show a most preternatural affinity for water, running and jumping faster and higher than even horses. And to disappear without a trace.
Dan Thompson
May 03, 2014
October 25, 2017
allen@home about 5 years ago
Rip’s Foxy New Friend is a little short on bravery.
Chithing about 5 years ago
And not every shot hits the target.
tad1 about 5 years ago
tad1 about 5 years ago
Nice try, Foxy (is that her name? We haven’t been shown her name yet), but you can’t dissuade Rip that easily!
Dragoncat about 5 years ago
TNT would love her.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 5 years ago
They tend to show a most preternatural affinity for water, running and jumping faster and higher than even horses. And to disappear without a trace.