I once spilled a bunch of ground-up coffee beans that I had prepared to make coffee with. Before I could get a broom and dustpan, my dog ate the whole thing. He never acted like Max, though he did throw up those coffee grounds soon after. Then he slept most of the rest of the day.
Michael G. almost 5 years ago
Ben, you’d better let Max out into the backyard. Soon …
sfreader1 almost 5 years ago
I once spilled a bunch of ground-up coffee beans that I had prepared to make coffee with. Before I could get a broom and dustpan, my dog ate the whole thing. He never acted like Max, though he did throw up those coffee grounds soon after. Then he slept most of the rest of the day.
j.l.farmer almost 5 years ago
i drink coffee and it has never done that for me!
cuzinron47 almost 5 years ago
Zoomie juice.
Bobtul07110 almost 5 years ago
According to Google, Caffeine may cause hyper-activity, tremors and seizures in dogs.
whenlifewassimpler almost 5 years ago
This kid needs to be told NOT to give the dog coffee! Followed by being punished for doing so.