Peanuts by Charles Schulz for March 16, 1997
Schroeder plays the piano and Snoopy listens.<BR><BR> Lucy leans against Schroeder's piano and asks, "What was that you were playing?"<BR><BR> Schroeder replies, "It's called 'Peanuts Gallery.'" Lucy asks, "What is?"<BR><BR> Schroeder replies, "A new piece composed by Ellen Taaffe Zwilich . . We're all in it!" Lucy asks, "What do you mean, we're all in it?"<BR><BR> Schroeder says, "It has a great beginning . . 'Schroeder's Beethoven Fantasy' . ."<BR><BR> Schroeder continues, "Then there's 'Lullaby for Linus,' 'Snoopy Does the Samba,' and 'Charlie Brown's Lament.'"<BR><BR> Schroeder continues, "Then there's 'Lucy Freaks Out' and 'Peppermint Patty and Marcie Lead the Parade'!"<BR><BR> Schroeder continues, "The world premiere will be at Carnegie Hall . . Here, look at it yourself . ."<BR><BR> Lucy looks at the score.<BR><BR> Lucy says, "My part should be longer . ."<BR><BR>
Vivianne Lee over 12 years ago
Oh yes
thefoxapproves almost 7 years ago
OO the fourth wall is cracking
thepinkbaroness about 4 years ago
Why is Schroeder always the one who breaks the fourth wall?
Examples: this strip; December 16, 1964; and October 1, 1952.
Best Commenter Ever about 4 years ago
“Lucy Freaks Out” Doesn’t sound like something that should be long.
Potassium Man about 3 years ago
Ever noticed how Schroeder is the most consistent when it comes to 4th wall breaks