Peanuts by Charles Schulz for March 16, 1997

  1. Missing large
    Vivianne Lee  over 12 years ago

    Oh yes

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  2. Missing large
    thefoxapproves  almost 7 years ago

    OO the fourth wall is cracking

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  3. E6f0db8f ecbe 4150 942d 3a891df3c1b4
    thepinkbaroness  about 4 years ago

    Why is Schroeder always the one who breaks the fourth wall?

    Examples: this strip; December 16, 1964; and October 1, 1952.

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  4. 4ec6ed90 0f66 4dc2 80d9 95337525af06
    Best Commenter Ever  about 4 years ago

    “Lucy Freaks Out” Doesn’t sound like something that should be long.

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  5. Cac6610a 91a8 48dc becb a34d6414c5f3
    Potassium Man  about 3 years ago

    Ever noticed how Schroeder is the most consistent when it comes to 4th wall breaks

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