“Really, Bob? You KNOW that outboard motor hit me yesterday …”
More like past time to rethink that mullet!
At least they’re keeping up with the times…..
No, Algernon, I was mowing and it sucked me in.
When are you gonna do something about mass of tentacles? Every time you wash them you can’t do a thing with them.
“But I didn’t eat a mullet.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mullet_(fish)
He needs some parachute pants to rock with that mullet!
September 06, 2014
mddshubby2005 about 5 years ago
“Really, Bob? You KNOW that outboard motor hit me yesterday …”
jpayne4040 about 5 years ago
More like past time to rethink that mullet!
Zebrastripes about 5 years ago
At least they’re keeping up with the times…..
zeexenon about 5 years ago
No, Algernon, I was mowing and it sucked me in.
cuzinron47 about 5 years ago
When are you gonna do something about mass of tentacles? Every time you wash them you can’t do a thing with them.
Stephen Gilberg about 5 years ago
“But I didn’t eat a mullet.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mullet_(fish)
stevenxfiles over 3 years ago
He needs some parachute pants to rock with that mullet!