Hump? What hump.
Careful with your answers. There’s a suspicious number of skulls nearby!
Oh yes, only one lackey and all of his responses are confidential. Not sure if I’d like to fill it out.
Look at all the wonderful toys!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Igor not lackey! Igor idiot assistant!
Note: when only one takes the survey that answer is a given.
October 30, 2015
santa72404 about 5 years ago
Hump? What hump.
Lady loves a joke about 5 years ago
Careful with your answers. There’s a suspicious number of skulls nearby!
megerkey about 5 years ago
Oh yes, only one lackey and all of his responses are confidential. Not sure if I’d like to fill it out.
Impkins Premium Member about 5 years ago
Look at all the wonderful toys!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Sisyphos about 5 years ago
Igor not lackey! Igor idiot assistant!
Sailor46 USN 65-95 about 5 years ago
Note: when only one takes the survey that answer is a given.