Peanuts by Charles Schulz for July 21, 1951
Patty stands next to Violet and holds out a handbag. She says,"This is 'mad money'."<BR><BR> Violet asks,"'Mad Money'? What's that for?" Patty looks behind her and responds,"I'll show you...."<BR><BR> Charlie Brown starts questioningly as Patty whops him with her handbag across his head.<BR><BR> He sits on the floor holding his head and confused as the girls walk off. Patty concludes,"All girls carry 'mad money'."<BR><BR>
yow4zip Premium Member over 13 years ago
He doesn’t know what hit him.
Great Pumpkin over 13 years ago
I wish that someone should get mad and throw a Brick of !00-Dollar Bills:
100 bills make a Strap. 10 Straps make a Brick. Brick of 100-Dollar Bills is worth 100,000.00 U$D (One Hundred Thousand Dollars).
Coffee_Kaioken about 13 years ago
I think today, “mad money” means something different ;D
Broke My Phone over 11 years ago
What a good invention.
tdoug1 about 9 years ago
Hit her with your wallet.
ootey almost 7 years ago
Not so wishy washy in the beginning…
peanutsmean almost 5 years ago
Here is Patty’s criminal record: October 3, 1950: Random black eye for Shermy. May 28, 1951: Wiping her hands on Snoopy’s ear. June 6, 1951: Pouring water on Charlie’s head. June 14, 1951: punching Charlie for “sarcasm”. June 19, 1951: Calling Charlie’s head a beachball. June 22, 1951: Saying that Charlie’s face is so big it would take three hours for him to shave. And now this
Commenter8888 over 3 years ago