Peanuts by Charles Schulz for January 20, 1952
Patty stands on the street with her jumprope. "Ready?" she asks.<BR><BR> She and Violet jump rope and cry in unison: "One, two three, four, five..."<BR><BR> "Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred!" THe face each other as the count.<BR><BR> Violet declares, "We're the best rope jumpers in this country!" Patty adds, "We're the best in the whole world!"<BR><BR> They face Charlie Brown, who turns around from his seat on the sidewalk and glares at them: "You girls make me tired with all your bragging!" he announces. He holds a small toy in his hands.<BR><BR> He stands up and points, "Why, I know someone who's twice as good as both of you!" Violet and Patty look at each other and smile.<BR><BR> They sit on the ground and laugh: "Poor Charlie Brown! He's lost his mind!"<BR><BR> Violet and Patty are subdued as the turn the jumprope for Snoopy, who tumbles through it happily. Charlie Brown counts off, "One thousand and one...One thousand and two...One thousand and three..."<BR><BR>
andrewisola over 13 years ago
the best part was snoopy hes the best in peanuts
yow4zip Premium Member about 13 years ago
Way to go Snoopy!
decimator1337 over 11 years ago
In Calvin & Hobbes, the story is told from the kid’s perspective, so half the thing is pretend. In Peanuts, the story is told as if an adult’s watching, so it’s quite interesting to consider the fact that Snoopy’s amazing feats are not in his imagination. 0_0 In fact, how does he fly with his ears?
BarrelO'Molasses Premium Member over 8 years ago
10x as good.
Commenter8888 almost 4 years ago
a lot better.