Peanuts by Charles Schulz for June 20, 1952
Charlie Brown sits on the edge of sandbox and watches Violet play. He says, "Boy, an I ever stupid! I'm the most stupid person that ever lived!"<BR><BR> She stands over him and asks, "You don't really think that, do you, Charlie Brown?"<BR><BR> As they walk down the lane, he replies, "No, I guess not...I'm a pretty intelligent guy when you get right down to it..."<BR><BR> He concludes, "The only trouble is that most of the time, I'm so horribly stupid!"<BR><BR>
yow4zip Premium Member over 12 years ago
There’s the Charlie Brown we all know.
decimator1337 over 9 years ago
There’s the everybody we all know.
Commenter8888 over 3 years ago
that’s more like cb.
ThorbadCorkc about 2 years ago
I dont like where this going
[Unnamed Reader - b10daf] 2 months ago
“You can’t talk that way about Charlie Brown!”
JoeTheDog Premium Member 30 days ago