Peanuts by Charles Schulz for May 17, 1953
Violet holds the hose and is making a mud puddle. Patty is at the faucet and turns the water off. Violet says, "Ok. That's enough. Turn off the water."<BR><BR> Patty says, "It's our duty to revive fully the lost art of mud-pie baking." THey both stand in the puddle.<BR><BR> They jump up and downa nd Patty says, "Slosh the mud around real good."<BR><BR> Patty stirs it up with her hand and says, "Now mix it up! Stir it around! Stir it around!" Violet is still jumping and says, "I'm still sloshing!"<BR><BR> Patty grabs handfulls of mud and says, "Look at that texture!" Violet says, "itn't it wonderful?"<BR><BR> Patty says, "We're the best mud pie bakers in the hwole country!" Cahrlie Brown walks by and wonders what's going on.<BR><BR> Charlie Brown looks at hte mud covered dirty girls and says, "Wow! Are you girls ever a mess! Wait until your mothers see you!"<BR><BR> The girls stand up and say, "Why? What's wrong? We've got our aprons on!"<BR><BR>
Great Pumpkin over 13 years ago
Violet and Patty have a point. Under those aprons their clothes are clean. It is not like their clothes, skin, and hair are all muddy.
yow4zip Premium Member almost 12 years ago
It’s a dirty job, but somebody has to do it.
IdunnoNoodles over 7 years ago
Never understood why parents would get upset at their kid for playing in the dirt. It’s called being a child ffs
NougatBrains over 4 years ago
Mud pies, mean girls, and a good target…
NewEnglandPatriots over 2 years ago
FrostbiteFalls over 1 year ago
I could never figure out what the big deal was about mud pies. And I was born in the 50s (okay, late 50s).