Peanuts by Charles Schulz for October 25, 1953
Someone covered in a sheet (a ghost costume) yells, "Boo!"<BR><BR> The ghost, someone with a mask and a witchy Violet scream, "Boo! Boo! Boo!"<BR><BR> Violet tells the ghost, "Ha! You look great, Patty!" The masked boy is Schroeder.<BR><BR> Schroeder says, "I agree.. I've never seen you looking better!" Patty says, "I've always enjoyed Halloween.. ever since I was a kid.." Violet asks, "Why don't we get going?"<BR><BR> Schroeder says, "We can't.. We have to wait until Charlie Brown gets here.." Patty remarks, "We'd never make it without Charlie Brown.. No, sir!"<BR><BR> Schroeder notices, "Here he comes now.. and he's got it!! He's got it!!" Patty says, "He has? Oh, boy! Good ol' Charlie Brown! Now we're all set!"<BR><BR> Charlie follows the other three kids. He pushes a shopping cart. The three scream, "Tricks or treats! ..Money or eats!"<BR><BR>
nas690 over 11 years ago
The rocks shall flow
yow4zip Premium Member over 11 years ago
Now that’s how you do it.
tdoug1 about 9 years ago
Where’s Charlie’s mask!
ootey almost 7 years ago
Charlie has that goofy costume with the zigzag and that round headed kid mask.
[Unnamed Reader - b10daf] over 1 year ago
Violet’s pigtails are back.
[Unnamed Reader - b10daf] 3 months ago
…and the ghost is almost certainly Patty.