Peanuts by Charles Schulz for March 08, 1954
"Linus lets out an exclamation as he watches Lucy and Charlie Brown sitting in chairs, watching t.v. <br> <br> He crawls away. He returns with a sack. <br> <br> He dumps the contents on the floor. He starts to arrange his blocks. <br> <br> Lucy and Charlie Brown look at him in surprise. He smiles and sits next to them in his block-made chair and foot-stool. <br> <br>" dialogue-text,"Linus lets out an exclamation as he watches Lucy and Charlie Brown sitting in chairs, watching t.v. <br> <br> He crawls away. He returns with a sack. <br> <br> He dumps the contents on the floor. He starts to arrange his blocks. <br> <br> Lucy and Charlie Brown look at him in surprise. He smiles and sits next to them in his block-made chair and foot-stool. <br> <br>"
onetimemanateee about 13 years ago
This is actually really annoying.
yow4zip Premium Member about 11 years ago
El Bat over 10 years ago
Not every strip has to be like some joke with a punchline..Charlie Schulz was very talented.
AntVenom about 10 years ago
Wow, Linus’ smart!
PowerDemon777 over 6 years ago
Nate Wright! over 3 years ago
Linus is my fav character when he was a baby