Peanuts by Charles Schulz for July 17, 1955
Schroeder: You can't believe everything you hear, you know.. Charlie Brown: Well, you can believe THIS! Charlie Brown: You KNOW I'm right, Schroeder.. Charlie Brown: If you had any sense at all, you'd admit it.. Schroeder: Oh, Yeah? Schroeder: You just say that because you're stupid, Charlie Brown! Charlie Brown: STUPID? Listen to who's talking! Charlie Brown: You and that PIANO of yours are the STUPID ones! Charlie Brown: Plink Plink Plink!! All day long...GOOD GRIEF! Schroeder: Well, How about you and that silly Ol' Coonskin cap?! Schroeder: And how about that stupid shirt with that stupid stripe?! Charlie Brown: Well, at least Schroeder, I don't have yellow hair! Schroeder: No, but you sure have a round head! Patty, What in the world is going on here? Charlie Brown: We're arguing over who was the better...Beethoven or Davy Crockett! Charlie Brown: WHO"S got a round head? Schroeder: YOU have! Patty: ?
jadelovesjelly over 13 years ago
Yes, Charlie Brown, you don’t have yellow hair, only because you have no hair!
Great Pumpkin about 13 years ago
Ad-homonyms are a logical fallacies.
Vivianne Lee over 12 years ago
Actually Charles Schulz once said Charlie Brown is a blonde, just like huh sister.
yow4zip Premium Member over 9 years ago
They both have their merits.
JorgeSainz almost 7 years ago
this was published on the day that disneyland park in anaheim, CA first opened
Dippy about 6 years ago
Twitter debate allegory.
AlanTompkins over 4 years ago
MrJamie51 over 3 years ago
Patty’s expression in last panel is priceless, all like “What?!” as she overhears CB and Schroeder continue their argument: CB: “WHO has a ROUND head?!” Schroeder: “YOU do! Because you’re BALD!”
kcj about 2 years ago
Is 17 panels the most that Peanuts ever had? To fit this many panels in the regular space, Schulz had to draw CB and Schroeder standing so close together that their noses are touching at times. And Patty is so perplexed by all of this that a question is coming out of her @ss instead of her head.
The Fly Hunter over 1 year ago
I thought they were arguing about politics.