Heart of the City by Steenz for April 01, 2020

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    codycab  almost 5 years ago

    You’re more “drama” than “anxiety”, Heart.

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    jmworacle  almost 5 years ago

    Heart has a future as a lawyer.

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  3. Pc1
    TheDOCTOR  almost 5 years ago

    Just when I was starting to like “Older Hearts” New ‘Do, she’s back to the “Bun Head” look. I like her w/ Hair down.

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    sueb1863  almost 5 years ago

    Mom knows just where this is going.

    Today:“I’ll take care of the dog, I promise!”

    Six months from now: “Heart, Fluffy needs to be walked, she just made a mess that needs to be cleaned up!”

    “Aw Mom, I’m busy watching TV/ writing/ doing homework! Can’t you do it?”

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  5. Airbender
    Airbender  almost 5 years ago

    Giver her a few days with that crazy dog “biscuit” in Stone Soup, she’ll change her tune. Better yet, that drooling bull mastiff, “Droolia” from Pooch CafĂ©.

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    asrialfeeple  almost 5 years ago

    Getting a pet is a HUGE deal. Their maintenance ISN’T cheap.

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