Peanuts by Charles Schulz for September 23, 1956
"Okay, Mac! Stay right where you are!" Linus warns. He sits on the floor in the living room, sucking his thumb and clutching his blanket. Snoopy leans towards him: "!"<br> <br> Snoopy turns away and sulks in the corner: "Phooey!"<br> <br> Snoopy turns and glares at Linus: "I'm going to get that blanket away from that stupid kid if it kills me!" he vows.<br> <br> "I think I'll use the ol' surprise attack, the way my wolf ancestors did.." Snoopy decides as he trots along.<br> <br> ZOOM! Snoopy breaks into a run.<br> <br> CLOMP! Snoopy dives past Linus, grabbing the blanket in his mouth as he passes.<br> <br> "AAUGH!" Snoopy is thrown in to the air as he tugs; the blanket has been nailed to the floor. Linus watches him.<br> <br> "Good grief!" thinks a shaken Snoopy as he sits and looks at Linus, who is happily settled with the blanket once more.<br> <br>
TashaFluffyKitty over 12 years ago
the first time Snoopy tries to run and grab Linus’s blanket!
2112yyz about 11 years ago
Linus 1 -0 Snoopy
paullp Premium Member about 10 years ago
Linus was Mr. Cool (not to be confused with Joe Cool) in a later strip in which, as Snoopy approached, he very calmly said, “Dog, if you try to steal this blanket, I’m going to climb all over you” (won’t swear that’s an exact quote, but it’s close).
yow4zip Premium Member over 8 years ago
Those wolf ancestors never encountered Linus.
ootey almost 7 years ago
This is why man excels wolves.
The Lone Beagle Premium Member over 6 years ago
It is a little known fact that paleolithic humans would often nail their prey to trees with stone proto-nails to foil predators and rival humans. Whether this behaviour preceded or followed the invention of the “Lost Dog. Reward.” flyer is unknown, but evidence suggests the latter rather than the former.
[Unnamed Reader - b10daf] 23 days ago
Snoopy will get better with practice.