As shown in these comments, there are actually MANY MANY folks who seriously think he’s competent, knowledgeable, cares about his voters, and is selflessly, tirelessly working around the clock for the betterment of the US. These folks are apparently immune to logic, simple facts, and the evidence of his administration and his entire life. It proves that Goebbels was right, only that his vision was not big enough.
davanden almost 5 years ago
Everybody had it before, just about different things.
witten.homer175 almost 5 years ago
He is gone now we have Trump.
Michael G. almost 5 years ago
You’re unique; an individual. Exactly like the rest of us.
tims145 almost 5 years ago
As shown in these comments, there are actually MANY MANY folks who seriously think he’s competent, knowledgeable, cares about his voters, and is selflessly, tirelessly working around the clock for the betterment of the US. These folks are apparently immune to logic, simple facts, and the evidence of his administration and his entire life. It proves that Goebbels was right, only that his vision was not big enough.
Boots at the Boar Premium Member almost 5 years ago
You need to up your mental illness game.
Cornelius Robinson Premium Member almost 5 years ago
That’s my thought about Brazilian waxes. They mean nothing now.