@Number Three Today’s strip IS funny and there are no extra panels , is it an Easter miracle that both our HERO Mr Andrew Capp and Guitar Bob admit that they have not achieved their ambitions? :o) my avatar is a photo I took last year of the procession wit the statue of the Risen Christ , pity that today it will not be done because of the virus lock-down :o{ ,how was your day, have you gone stir crazy yet? our Sunday should be busy but boring but at least I can eat my traditional Maltese confection called Figolli made out of sweet pastry with a marzipan filling made and baked by Connie , stay safe and BCNU pal , Happy Ester to all Cappers past and present
I wish the current “creative” team would JUST ONCE have a funny Guitar Bob episode. Now, I realize that might be impossible, although they could go truly wild. I humbly suggest that next time ’round they replace Guitar Bob with Guitarzan!
Templo S.U.D. almost 5 years ago
I can barely imagine Andy being on Manchester United (or any other UK football team); too much brawling with opposing players for fouling.
AFFICIONADO almost 5 years ago
@Number Three Today’s strip IS funny and there are no extra panels , is it an Easter miracle that both our HERO Mr Andrew Capp and Guitar Bob admit that they have not achieved their ambitions? :o) my avatar is a photo I took last year of the procession wit the statue of the Risen Christ , pity that today it will not be done because of the virus lock-down :o{ ,how was your day, have you gone stir crazy yet? our Sunday should be busy but boring but at least I can eat my traditional Maltese confection called Figolli made out of sweet pastry with a marzipan filling made and baked by Connie , stay safe and BCNU pal , Happy Ester to all Cappers past and present
Dean almost 5 years ago
With no barber shops open, we are all starting to look as scruffy as Bob.
Michael G. almost 5 years ago
You two could take this shtik on a road tour of Northern England. (’Cause the Scots will stand on the Wall and jeer.)
rshive almost 5 years ago
We all know how Andy feels about Guitar Bob. But what about Chalkie and the mooched-upon bar customers?
dv1093 almost 5 years ago
Godfreydaniel almost 5 years ago
I wish the current “creative” team would JUST ONCE have a funny Guitar Bob episode. Now, I realize that might be impossible, although they could go truly wild. I humbly suggest that next time ’round they replace Guitar Bob with Guitarzan!
Lightpainter almost 5 years ago
Pretty pathetic joke, if even Bob saw it coming!
cuzinron47 almost 5 years ago
I guess he didn’t get the hint when someone requested play On the Road Again.
paullp Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Bob, you really should know better than to give Andy an opening like that.
Sailor46 USN 65-95 almost 5 years ago
Honest criticism is hard to take, from almost anyone.
tad1 almost 5 years ago
Guitar Bob could see that coming a mile away.
stbw2000 almost 5 years ago
The truth hurts!